Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Climate Killers

Warren Buffett (CEO of Berkshire Hathaway), Rupert Murdoch (CEO of News Corporation), Jack Gerard (President of American Petroleum), Rex Tillerson (CEO of ExxonMobil), Senator Mary Landrieu (Democrat from Louisiana), Marc Morano (Founder of Climate Depot), Senator James Inhofe (Rpublican from Oklahoma), Dick Gephardt (CEO of Gephardt), David Ratcliffe (CEO of Southern Company), George Will (Commentator for ABC), Tom Donohue (President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce), Don Blankeship (CEO of Massey Energy), Fred Singer (Retired physicist at the University of Virginia), Representitive Joe Barton (Republican from Texas), and last but not least, Senator John McCain. Lets do the math. Wow 17 people, thats a long list of people. Now some of you may not know who these people are. These are the 17 people who have been lobbying against the efforts on global warming. Some of them are owners of Big Oil companies or owners of Big Coal companies. Others are Democrats or Republicans or from the media. All these people have one thing in common, they all don't believe in global warming and they are doing everything to destroy the efforts on cleaning up America's air. From voting against bills to spreading lies on the media. So if the world as we know it ends tomorrow, we can blame them.

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